Ebenezer Operation Exodus is an organisation called by God to help Jewish people return to Israel in fulfilment of Biblical prophecy.
Stratford-upon-Avon Street Pastors was set up in July 2011 by volunteers across Stratford District. With the direction, expertise, and support of the Ascension Trust, we are determined to work together for the good of the town. From November 2011 onwards, street pastor volunteers began to help reach out to those in the night time economy. This includes those visiting the town, taxi-drivers, door staff, managers, and staff within venues. This also includes those visiting town for the night.
Via Beata (which means a way of blessing) is a project led by Steve Eggleton and his wife. Born out of a calling from God
to establish a sort of pilgrimage route across the U.K. from
East to West at its widest point. Creating a major trail of Christian art-works that will communicate God’s love for people, and for the U.K this line will run from Lowestoft to St. David’s. When Steve came to set out this line he discovered that it
came right through his property at Rowancroft, Banham, Norfolk. Consequently the first way-station was set up there
in the Summer of 2009. From there working outwards with the initial aim of establishing a way-station every ten miles or so
and linking them with existing footpaths and rights-of-way.
Red Hill marks the half way point of this line.